Disruptive Ideation as a Service (DIaS)
Discovering disruptive and innovative ideas by divergent and convergent thinking. We apply Invention Harvesting to IP Design in order to discover inventive ideas and help them grow to
fully exploit their business potentials.

Invention Harvesting
Invention harvesting is an integral part of an overall IP strategy, and is an excellent tool to create highly innovative and solution-oriented inventions. By the participation of our innovators and inventors from different technology and responsibility areas, a company’s innovation process can be enriched based on thought-provoking impulses during our creative, interactive sessions.

Strategic Analysis and
Technical Foresight
Innovative business decisions are based on objective valuation process. In this context the analysis of IP data and scientific research can help to derive strategic visions and to give recommendations for future go to market actions. By analyzing the competitive landscape, it will be possible to discover and detect potential direct competitors, innovation leaders, new players, competitive technologies, or explosive growth opportunity technology area.

Invention Disclosures
Shaping ideas that arise during our involvement into inventions by the definition and description of new and protectable features is a key process. Creating valuable invention disclosures which can be transformed by IP attorneys into powerful patent applications, based on the current state of the art is a service that is key to the success of an enduring development project endeavor.